Nature and Wildlife


"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks"

~John Muir~

The desert comes alive

The beautiful cactus blooms in the desert is one of the most amazing things. The colors are so vibrant in a landscape so baron.

Urban nature

No matter where you are you can find beauty around you.

Cactus bloom

Hiking in the spring time in the desert gives you a different view of what beauty it can create.


I captured this guy peeking out of a hollow dead tree trunk at Great Falls in Virginia.
~Gray Squirrel~

Fall colors

I came across this beautiful leaf on a trail in Shenandoah National park. It laid across the trail with a small stream of water following over it.

You can't see me

This guy tried to sit as still as possible as if he was blending in with the branch as I passed by on a trail in Great Falls park in Virginia.

~Gray Squirrel~

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